
Mission Statement: Our main purpose is to spread awareness about valuable information that the courts are keeping obscured from the public in order to profit from them. The courts were originally instituted to protect the rights and civil liberties of citizens. By keeping this crucial information from the public, they have been able to expand their power to the point that now hardworking citizens are being prosecuted, made to pay fines or imprisoned for victimless crimes that harm neither the rights, property or civil liberties of anyone else.

This has been made possible by the general public's lack of understanding in the law and those who run and profit from the courts want it to stay that way. They want us all to believe that the law is too tricky and complicated for the average person to follow along and be able to defend themselves. This blog's purpose is to share the good news with as many people as possible that they can easily save themselves hundreds of dollars and possible jail time by learning a few key principles and handing in a few sheets of paperwork.

By spreading this empowering information to as many people as possible, we hope not to create bands of outlaws, but instead to return the courts to their lawfully intended purpose of acting only to protect the rights of citizens, not to line their pockets and gain more power as is currently the practice.


Top 10 Tips for Traffic Court
The True Purpose of the Courts
The Anatomy of a Crime
Standing to Sue Explained

Please Donate to help us spread this much needed information.  The more people know and put these principles into practice, the more positive change we will see happening in the courts as judges, prosecutors and cops become more educated.  This will never happen if the public never learns to challenge what we know deep down to be wrong.